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eDM and Microsite for Mercedes-Benz's End of Year Communication 2016

I was part of a creative team at eg+ Australia that conceptualised, developed and created an end of year campaign for Mercedes-Benz in 2016.

The agency had created end of year communications for the brand the previous year, which consisted of an eDM and microsite, which I also wrote copy for. But due to the short turnaround required, 2015's communications had limited functionalities and creative input. We wanted to make the most of our longer lead time in 2016 by making something more memorable and creative.


As the copywriter, I collaborated with the designers, developers and producers from the beginning, starting with a research and development phase to create the concept.


We collated our concept ideas for the eDM and microsite to the team, and these were presented to the client. Our approved direction had an editorial style with commissioned illustrations.


The client provided a basic framework for what they wanted the copy to cover, and then I was left to write it. This involved considerable research of Mercedes-Benz's activities over the year, which were featured in the following pages:


  • general vehicle launches,

  • plug-in hybrid launches,

  • Mercedes' Formula One racing team,

  • Australia and New Zealand Fashion Weeks,

  • driving, sport, food and cultural events, and

  • an introductory homepage – featuring a video, which I also wrote copy for. 


I tailored the copy to the two audiences – Mercedes-Benz customers in Australia and New Zealand – by writing two versions of copy. The entire campaign was produced and deployed in a few weeks. 


The campaign was hugely successful, and the Australian eDM achieved an open rate of 47%, which is more than double the Travel and Transport industry average of 20.51%. It also achieved click-through rate of 8.21%, nearly four times the norm of 2.19%.


See selected screen shots from the microsite below, or click on the button above to visit the site.

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